White Papers

Cannabis Software Comparison
Cannabis professionals use cannabis accounting software, seed-to-sale software, and cannabis ERP software terminology interchangeably, creating confusion among operators. It is common to see a cannabis business have a seed-to-sale system to manage cannabis tracking, a cannabis
point-of-sale (POS) system for retail sales, and then an off-the-shelf solution like QuickBooks for accounting.

Cannabis Compliance Solution
This white paper, is designed to inform cannabis professionals about what e2b teknologies can offer to cannabis businesses. The cannabis industry is rapidly evolving and as it becomes legal across the country. From the cultivators harvesting the plant to the manufacturers creating products down to the customer-facing dispensaries, one thing is clear: whether you’re selling to other cannabis businesses or directly to consumers, businesses at every stage of the supply chain gain a clear advantage over their competitors through the use of a best-in-class software solution.
Armed with this information, we hope that cannabis innovators and entrepreneurs, including manufacturers, growers, cultivators, retailers and support businesses alike, will use this information to grow and streamline their business.

Cannabis Trends to Watch for
This white paper, backed by global, national, and local cannabis industry data and consumer behavior and buying trends, covers upcoming, trending, and shifting themes within the cannabis marketplace.
Designed to inform cannabis professionals about what’s ahead for our industry, no matter what area of the supply chain they fall in or the type of customers they serve. Armed with this information, we hope that cannabis innovators and entrepreneurs, including manufacturers, growers, cultivators, retailers and support businesses alike, will decide if these trends affect their business directly by offering insight into new avenues worth focusing on.

Branding Survival Guide for the Cannabis Startup
The U.S. cannabis market attracts new business owners from all walks of life, vying for a piece of the pie. But all too often, cannabis startups have a clear vision for what they hope the brand will become without understanding the technologies needed to get there.
As our ferociously growing industry continues to evolve toward federal legalization, cannabis companies are frequently caught off guard by all the branding unknowns.
With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide to examine some of the most common cannabis branding surprises and how your cannabis startup can overcome them: